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10 Stress-Reducing Strategies

Updated: Mar 28

By Dr. Val Prahl, Doctor of Chiropractic, Clinical Nutritionist and Author

Want to lower stress and increase productivity in less than a minute?

Want to make your day to day activities more meaningful and valuable?

Want to experience more pleasure, joy and satisfaction?


The National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization state that stress is the number one disease in the world.

Stress is the #1 Disease in the World!

Stress is related to the onset of every major disease. Yet many women push themselves to do more and be more and often give more than they are able to give at the expense of well-being.

I have had a habit of doing that in the past but have since learned that the more I stop for a one-minute mindfulness break, the more productive I am.  

You can bring a mindfulness practice into the workplace where you need it the most!

You don’t need to find the time  to sit and meditate for 20-30 minutes unless you want to.

At the top of each hour, I use a mindfulness bell on my phone, to remind me to stop and become present to the moment.

I stop and mindfully yawn, then rub my hands together sensually (you can also hug a teddy or a soft pillow) and focus on a value word such as peace, joy, grace, etc.  

This break is one of the most important tools for reducing work stress and increasing productivity.

Research has shown that refreshing your brain will help you achieving peak performance for the next hour of work!  

Each time you hear the bell, just pause and use one or all of these strategies.

Here are 10 stress-reducing strategies:

  1. One mindful breath

  2. One mindful yawn

  3. One mindful stretch

  4. One pleasant touch

  5. One joyful memory

  6. One value-based word

  7. One positive phrase

  8. One compassionate thought

  9. One minute of daydreaming

  10. One moment of gratitude

Your stress levels will instantly drop and your performance and productivity will soar!

10 Facts About Stress:

Stress can affect anybody

A little stress can be good for you

Stress is controlled by your nervous system

Stress affects everyone differently

Stress can keep you from sleeping

Stress can be acute or chronic

Stress can impact mental performance

Stress can cause headaches

Stress causes muscle aches and tightness

Stress can be successfully managed

Dr. Val Prahl is founder of Healing Synthesis.

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