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NWW Luminary Profile
Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel is a dynamic speaker, teacher and spiritual coach who offers practical wisdom to help people live happy productive lives. Patricia integrates over 30 years of teaching metaphysics and positive prayer as Founding Minister of Unity of Berkeley, with the Eastern wisdom and mystical practices of meditation from her 18 years of study in India.

Patricia has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Matthew Fox’s University of Creation Spirituality now Ubiquity University. Her doctoral focus was the Reinvention of Work, aligning her passion to bring spirituality into our everyday lives.

Everyday Awakening is the mission of Patricia’s work, fueled by her study at Ekam, a philosophy and meditation school in southern India. In June 2012, Patricia was initiated as one of 26 Oneness Meditators in North America. She’s an Advanced Oneness Trainer and One Consciousness Transformer.

She is currently serving as part time Unity minister in the SF Bay Area and excited to join New World Women as a Luminary. Her monthly program brings Ancient Wisdom to New World Women. Through processes, wisdom, meditation and reflection we’ll open the 7 Portals to the Divine Feminine.
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