Replay Description

About this replay:
Have you heard about the Chinese Year of the Dragon and wonder what it all means?
Are you concerned that the fire-breathing dragon will demolish hopes and plans for 2024?
Learn what you can do to maximize the gifts that the Dragon will bring this year and likewise offset the challenges. Using your space, the Dragon can be tamed when necessary and heartily embraced at other times to help you navigate through the year.
1. Discern what the Dragon will manifest for you this year.
2. Discover how to incorporate changes in your space to support or offset what the Dragon may bring to you.
3. Learn the effects of Period 9 and why this is important.
About this Luminary

Carole Hyder
International Feng Shui Master, Speaker, Teacher and Author
Carole J. Hyder is an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, teacher, and author in the field of Feng Shui. She combines ancient practices with modern research to create superior environments, residentially and commercially.
She has been a Feng Shui consultant since 1992, facilitating over 1,000 appointments from apartments to restaurants, homes, schools and hospitals.
In 1998, Carole founded The Wind and Water Center which offered courses for those interested in studying Feng Shui in greater depth. She trained over 600 students until its close in 2021.
She has written three books on the topic of Feng Shui and two music CDs in collaboration with Grammy-winning musician and producer Jeff Bova.