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NWW LIVE Teaching

This is for you if you:

1. want to positively contribute to the new systems and the NEW WORLD we are co-creating

2. are ready to enhance your intuition

3. are curious how to develop your ‘clairs’ such as claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience

4. want to integrate and embody expanding awareness and consciousness into daily living

5. want to learn how to re-center when you recognize you are out of alignment

6. want to remember who you are at your essence

7. want to align all areas of your life with your true nature

8. are ready to realize your full potential

9. want to find others who are everyday mystics and share your wisdom and experiences


We are living amidst a transformative period in human development, experiencing dramatic paradigm shifts and leaps in human consciousness itself. We are multidimensional beings and access to the unseen aspects of our self is increasing daily. When our subtle ways of knowing such as intuition, synchronicity, and telepathy are fully available, we break free from conditioning and live in higher levels of consciousness. Together we are imagining into our daily lives an ideal NEW WORLD for human beings and all who inhabit the earth. Old systems are crumbling.

There is tremendous opportunity for growth and positive change. WE are co-creating who we are becoming personally, interpersonally, and collectively during this shift by being an everyday mystic and Living from Our Center Within. NOW is the time to create a life in this NEW WORLD we love.

Many of us feel isolated as new worldviews and possibilities are emerging in our awareness. Are you feeling more interconnected, magical, inspired, and compassionate? Have you noticed your claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience are more readily available? During dream time, are you having downloads of new information? Throughout the day, are there insights and revelations revealed? How do we find each other and integrate and embody living in higher consciousness?

We see so many systems of oppression, entitlement and greed being exposed and eroding. It is heart-breaking to watch the fierce attachment by some to keep these archaic structures in place. It is time for them to GO! We see a NEW WORLD where abundance, peace, cooperation, and sustainability are the norm. Let’s share our wisdom and create new systems that have the most positive outcomes for ourselves and the greater collective.

During these classes, you will explore integrating and embodying higher levels of consciousness. You will learn how to access your multidimensional nonphysical expressions, practice mindful living, make choices to live in alignment with your fully realized potential, and increase your perception of subtle ways of knowing. These classes will support you in your continuous transformation while living as an everyday mystic. You will become more confident, engaged, clear, aligned, and peaceful. As you live a more empowered, awake, and abundant life, your essence radiates out and supports the transformation of those you serve. You will
enhance your positive impact on co-creating who we are becoming in the NEW WORLD.

Michele Rae

Session Titles & Descriptions

Recorded live on Zoom - All women welcome

Replays available for Members


WEALTH Ways: Love, Tranquility, Wisdom

Session 1
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Mindfully Cultivating Awareness, Choice and Freedom
You make the most empowering, compassionate, and wise choices when you have your full attention in the present moment. Learn how to manage your attention, awareness, and behaviors to support optimal choices day to day, moment to moment. By practicing mindfulness tools, you liberate yourself from conditioning and have the freedom to live your best life.

Session 2
MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024, 11:00 AM Central

Living Interconnected: The power of courageous conversations
Your skill and willingness to engage in courageous conversations is needed today more than ever. Develop practical and effective communication tools that enhance your confidence to transform conflict into empowering conversations for all involved.

Session 3
MONDAY, August 12, 2024, 3:00 PM Central

Living in the New Era: What are you envisioning for humanity’s ideal future?
You know many systems in our society are outdated, harmful and crumbling. Could you use more clarity on how to positively contribute to the new systems and NEW WORLD we are co-creating? Practice skills and techniques the support focusing and amplifying your intentions, attention, and awareness as you imagine your ideal emerging NEW WORLD.

Session 4
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Living in Higher Consciousness: Accessing your Multidimensional Self
You have some access to higher consciousness, but it is unreliable. Liberate yourself from the grips of being triggered by internal self-sabotaging thoughts and external circumstances. Explore a map of human development outlining three levels of consciousness and wisdom from ancient teaching and modern science that support realizing your full potential.

Session 5
MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Living into Intuition: How do you connect with your inner wisdom?
How do you access your inner wisdom, intuition, creativity, imagination, and inspiration? Engage in multidimensional mindfulness practices designed to open your awareness and increase your perceptive capacity to subtle information and ways of knowing beyond your 5 senses.

Session 6
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Living in Transformation: The Inherent Power of Evolving, Expanding and Changing
You are changing through learning, experiencing, and expanding your world view every day. Does this process feel empowering or disempowering? Enhance your ability to live from your essence as your whole and Holy Self with ease, flow and grace.

Session 7
MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Living in Alignment: Discerning Your Expanding YES and Contracting NO
You make many decisions every day that have the potential to support your growth and development. How do you discern the next right steps? Learn to utilize tools and techniques that guide you as you make life changing choices to positively impact authentic living fully aligned with your power.

Session 8
MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025, 1:00 PM Central
Living into Your Story: Where are You Working on Revising Your Story?

Is the story of YOU filled with courage, strength, bold choices, and empowering beliefs? Learn tips and practices to reflect on the story you tell yourself about YOU and discover ways to rewrite your narrative to live the life you love.

Session 9
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2025, 1:00 PM Central
Living with Abundance: Knowing You are Enough and Have Enough is Worth a Fortune

Do you know that you are enough and have enough? If you have doubts, join as we explore limiting beliefs, constraints, false narratives, and societal norms that can interfere with your abundance. You can have it all and experience abundance and wealth in every aspect of your life.

Session 10
MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2025, 1:00 PM Central
Living in Gratitude: Empowering Practices for Optimal Wellbeing

Noticing gratitude increases your physical, mental, and emotional health. Break free from rumination and pessimism with these simple tools and techniques of practicing gratitude. When you commit to a gratitude practice, the positive impacts ripple out to family, friends, and your community.

Session 11
MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2025, 1:00 PM Central
Living as Powerful Women Role Models: How to Connect, Honor and Uplift All our Children

As mothers, aunties, grandmothers, and wise women in our communities we have the unique opportunity to positively impact the next generation. Your healthy relationships bring joy to your life. Learn how to cultivate nurturing adult woman-child relationships and be attuned to the changing needs and boundaries of the children we support.

Session 12
MONDAY, MAY 12, 2025, 1:00 PM Central
Living in Service: How are You Contributing to Who We are Becoming?

Are you living on purpose in service attuned to your heart song? Reflect on how you make choices aligned with your values, talents, and inner essence. Learn and practice tools to support your living, serving, and loving from your whole and powerful self.

About Your NWW Luminary Teacher

Michele Rae, RPh, MA, NBC-HWC is the founder of The Center Within, LLC and author of Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming. She provides holistic coaching designed to accelerate and support personal, professional, and organizational transformation.

While working with Michele, clients become more confident and engaged as they enhance their gifts, talents, wisdom, and passions.

Michele’s clients also gain clarity and power as they expose and unblock limiting beliefs, stuck patterns, and fears.

During individual sessions and organizational development, Michele utilizes her abilities in deep listening, intuition, appreciative inquiry, spiritual practices, mindfulness, presence, and emotional intelligence. Coaching with Michele, clients create self-directed strategies to implement the changes they desire to create a life they love.

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