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New World Women LIVE Teaching
This is for you if you:
1. dread walking into the office on Mondays (and Tuesday and Wednesday!) and are exhausted by the end of each day, leaving little to no time for the things you love to do.
2. have put your dreams of having a fulfilling life, as defined by you, on the back burner, in favor of keeping the boss-man happy. (Sure, I’ll work on my vacation! My pleasure!)
3. feel your work is making you sick.
4. are tired of doing everything right regarding your career and end up still feeling stuck.
5. think something about your job doesn’t feel right and you want to figure out what it is--and what to do about it.
6. have changed jobs or careers and something still feels off within you.
7. are tired of having the same patterns with co-workers and bosses repeat themselves.
Since I was little, I always knew I wanted to accomplish something big. To me, that meant a high-powered position, huge salary, and corner office. And I accomplished exactly that.
What I wasn’t prepared for was how, regardless of what I had accomplished on the outside, I still felt something was missing. I got curious and went on a journey of self-discovery.
I truly believe that we each have our own unique path that will leave us incredibly fulfilled and satisfied. I also believe that we must go on our own journey to understand what that is. I believe that the more aligned we are to our true inner wisdom, the more we will trust the guidance that will inevitably lead us to purpose and fulfillment.
Learning to trust ourselves and our path seems easy enough. However, the question I get asked repeatedly is “how?” How do I trust? How do I know what guidance to listen to? How do I figure out if its time to leave my career? How do I navigate the ups and downs? How do I trust my voice above all others?
The answer is you decide to get curious about your life, your patterns, your beliefs, your truest desires, your inner wisdom, and you work on it. You dive in with a sense of joy and curiosity and explore. You surround yourself with others who are choosing to embark on their own journey. And you join The Guided Career to receive all of this in a beautiful package!
The Guided Career is twelve insightful classes designed to help discover how to reclaim joy in your job or career. By using The Intuitive Method ™, you will be guided to uncover the type of work that brings you joy. You will learn why simply changing jobs may not be enough, how to see when a pattern is coming up (again!) and how to handle it, how to create and break boundaries to protect your energy, and how to trust your own “in-her” wisdom.
Gabriela Brunner
Recorded live on Zoom
Replays available
WEALTH Ways: Abundance, Health, Wisdom
Session Titles & Descriptions
Your next career is an “inside job”
Looking for career fulfillment externally simply does not work. To be satisfied, truly content with your career, you must make it an “inside job.” You will learn ways to rekindle and trust your “in-her” voice so that every decision you make about your career fuels your purpose (we’ll talk about purpose too).
Session 2
Same Shit, Different Office
Let’s get right to the heart of the matter. Simply changing jobs or offices does not work … unless and until you are willing to take a good look at your SELF. Let’s get curious together--and gain clarity so you have a content and meaningful experience at work.
Session 3
The Career Sacred Happiness Formula
Resistance + awareness = discernment. Then change is possible. Did someone or something make you mad at work? Congratulations! This is gold! Let’s take that trigger, that moment of resistance and shed the light of awareness on it. Then, we’ll start digging into how to make sacred change.
Session 4
Preventing the Explosion Factor
That’s it. The last straw. You are done and ready to quit. PAUSE. Before you do, let’s dig into how to prevent the explosion factor. Get ready to learn why it isn’t just one thing that makes you want to explode and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.
Session 5
What Are You Telling Yourself and How is it Creating your Experience?
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein. It was true then and true now. Words and how you use them matter. We’ll dive into the energy of words and the importance of choosing them wisely to create a more aligned career experience.
Session 6
Let’s Prepare for a Funeral
Every new beginning comes from the ending of another. How often do you take the time to grieve what you’ve lost? Changing jobs or careers means you are letting go of something, something you will likely never get back. Before you can fully step into the energy of something new, learn how to honor and let go of the old. This works for relationships too!
Session 7
Riding the Changing-Jobs Rollercoaster Yay!
I found a job I want to apply to! Boo, I didn’t get a call back. Yay! I got an interview! Boo, they didn’t pick me. Yay! I found a new job! Boo, now I have to tell my boss I’m leaving. You’ll learn how to navigate this rollercoaster ride through self-awareness, mindfulness and other powerful tools!
Session 8
How to Break Your Own Boundaries and Build a Life You Love
We’ve all heard about making boundaries, but what about breaking them? What boundaries have you set in the past that simply do not serve you anymore (or at all?) Learn how to “honor the self you are constructing.”
Session 9
Clues About Your Work Style from the Street Where You Lived
We all grew up somewhere and where and how we grew up has a profound impact on how we view the world. Learn how your view of the world inevitably affects how you work, where you work and why you work.
Session 10
Worry, Woo-Woo and Work
When we start looking for another job it is usually because we are not getting what we need from where we are. Learn how to uncover these unmet needs and what to do next. And, if you still aren’t getting what you want from where you are, learn what to do because “if you have to demand it, is it worth receiving?”
Session 11
Whose Journey is this Anyway?
We seek out advice from those who will affirm what we want to hear. This is called validation. You will learn how to become honest with yourself to get to the inner-guided advice you know you can rely on.
Session 12
The Joy of Going off the Path
Fear tends to take control whenever we are making a decision, especially a really big one like changing careers. But what if you could transform that fear into joy-- the joy of allowing, changing and creating? Learn to embrace the pure joy of going off the “traditional” path--and reaping the rewards.
About Your NWW Luminary Teacher
GABRIELA REYES-NOYOLA BRUNNER was born and raised in Honduras, speaks fluent Spanish and now lives with her husband and two children in Illinois, US.
She is a retired immigration attorney who turned her passion for helping women realize their purpose and (re)define success into a thriving coaching practice.
Gabriela’s heart-led mission empowers those who take
action to believe in the magic of possibility and create the life of their dreams.
She is the creator and host of Dreamer to Creator - The Podcast (available on iTunes) and author of two books: “Mama, Where is the Truth?” and “The Evidence of Magic.”
Gabriela is the founder of The New Firm, LLC. She is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Instructor, Reiki Master and Teacher, and Akashic Records Practitioner and Teacher.
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of love and respect for all — starting within themselves.
-New World Women