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About this replay:

Are you intrigued by the idea of having the Goddess in your life to guide and support you? In search of the Goddess, do you want to go beyond the theological or intellectual and have a personal relationship with Her that will enhance your life? Do you want to surrender yourself to Her care and let go of what’s been holding you back?

Join us for a sacred gathering so you can explore how to fulfill your basic desires of feeling good—and being happy and loved—all with the help of the Goddess.


1. Learn how to get grounded in reality and shift your perception so you see what a miracle your life really is!
2. Experience opening your heart to love (and the love of the Goddess for you), through finally claiming that you are good enough.
3. Determine your Holy Trinity—one of your own making, with the power of the number three inspiring you as its magic has done for millennia.

About this Luminary
Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel
Kelly Applegate-Nichols
Creator and Host of The Girlfriend God Podcast

Kelly Applegate-Nichols is a Ministerial Priestess, and spiritual pathfinder, and the host of the popular Girlfriend God podcast. One of the things she loves doing most is helping other people find their way on a Goddess path. Whether people are just discovering Her or have traveled many of Her roads and are just looking to “settle in,” it brings her great joy to help them find clarity about what makes their heart happy. It is also easy to get lost out there in the world, so she’s also passionate about helping souls who have wandered off the path a little due to life’s circumstances; stress, tragedy, financial woes. Whatever it is, she revels in helping them return to the loving arms of their Mother.

Kelly is also a prolific researcher and writer, currently working on her fourth fiction book and conducting research for a book about the Antlered Goddess and deer symbolism across millennia, cultures, and geographic locations. Her essays and poetry for the Goddess can be found on her website at, the Feminism & Religion blog, the New World Women blog, and her pseudonym website for fiction,

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