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Inspired products, services and teachings from the hearts and hands of women

The harp, flute and violin trio performs these beautifully arranged, well-loved hymns.


This CD combines familiar melodies with inspired, instrumental interpretations to bring you comfort and relaxation.


The album name, My Peace I Give You, comes from John 14:27:
“My peace I leave with you
My peace I give you
A peace which the world cannot give
This is my gift to you
Let not your heart be troubled or afraid.”


Total Time – 47:45 minutes


Amazing Grace (4:05) (harp and flute)


My Faith Looks Up to Thee (3:01) (harp and violin)


Sweet Hour of Prayer (3:45) (harp and violin)


How Great Thou Art (4:36) (harp and flute)


Beautiful Savior (4:33) (harp and violin)


Ave Maria (3:19) (harp and flute) – LISTEN


Rock of Ages (4:41) (harp solo) – LISTEN


Nearer My God to Thee (4:27) (harp and flute)


Just As I Am (2:32) (harp and violin)


The Lord’s Prayer (3:45) * G. Schirmer, Inc. (harp and flute)


What A Friend We Have in Jesus (6:12) (harp and violin)


Abide With Me (2:54) (harp and violin)



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My Peace I Give You Digital CD by Tami Briggs

    Inspired products, services and teachings from the hearts and hands of women
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