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Claire Marie Kohout

Through positivity and love, Claire Marie helps empower clients to fully self-actualize so they can thrive in their lives, not just survive.

Claire Marie offers mentorship/guidance for individuals looking to enhance their spiritual growth/enlightenment, intuitive guidance to help you face life’s challenges, and Energy Healing Therapy to aid in alignment and balance of body, mind and spirit so your journey can be as full and joyful as possible. 

There are a variety of modalities that Claire Marie uses in her practice.  However, the main two modalities, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Healing Touch, are the go to modalities for most clients. Claire Marie has many years’ experience with the metaphysical arts, energy medicine and meditation. She also uses her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience in her readings with clients to interoperate and communicate messages as clearly and fully as possible. Claire Marie is a fun and VERY dynamic speaker and author, and you can read more about her at her website: or reach out at

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